Enrichment Programs

Our members enjoy a variety of programs that fit every schedule and interest fostering more friendship and fun!

Monthly Club Day Luncheon and Program 

Our Club Day Lunch is held on the first Wednesday of the month unless otherwise noted.  Members and their guests can attend a lovely (often themed) lunch with an interesting speaker or entertainment. 

Evening programs 

Members attend evening programs at no cost.  Some of our past programs have included Film Nights, Bra Fitting, Sip and Swap, Game Nights, Belly Dancing lessons, Yoga, Stress Reduction Techniques, Better Family Dynamic Techniques, Thrifting, Updating Your Look. and  more.

Members’ Dinners 

Fall and Spring Dinners for Members and their guests. Our Fall dinner focuses on a kick-off of our Club's annual activities and  May celebrates our Scholarship winners.

Day & Evening Book Club

We explore a wide range of genres, authors and ideas. Our group welcomes all members who enjoy diving into the world of literature with lively discussions.

Day Book Club meets once a month at 2:00 pm.

Evening Book Club meets once a month at 7:00 pm. 

Holiday Tea and Boutique

Our Holiday Tea and Boutique is where members and their guests enjoy a lovely tea with an opportunity to shop from a wide array of vendors.

Bringing the Community into our historic home

The Woman’s Club has also hosted Candidates Debates, Author Luncheons, Art Shows, and Community Forums.

Monthly Knitting Club

Monthly Knitting, Crochet, Needle Work is held the 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm members come to build skills and work on projects. 

Gardening Club 

Fondly known as the “Grateful Dead Headers” members meet weekly on Monday morning from 10:00 am to noon and get their hands dirty in our beautiful gardens. All are welcome.

Daytime Bridge

Daytime Bridge is held two to three times a month at 12:00 pm for members.

Monthly Mah Jongg

Open Play Games  Members have an opportunity for a casual evening playing Mah Jongg or board games.

The Power of She Networking

Expand your network through open and intimate discussions around specific topics and questions. Build better relationships, create collaborations, and help enhance each others’ lives whether business or personal. That’s the Power of She.

Maintaining our Historic Home and Gardens is a community effort. If you’d like to contribute to its legacy, any amount is greatly appreciated.
